Discover sustainable infrastructure innovations in
Public Space
Dense urban environments need appealing and safe outdoor spaces so that people can gather, exercise, play and enjoy the outdoors. Public spaces are important for fostering civic engagement in decision-making. Ensuring that they are safe and accessible to women, children and those with disabilities makes urban environments more inclusive.

Wall-mounted solar public lighting
Improving nighttime safety in informal settlements through decentralized solar public lighting
Empower Shack Khayelitsha
Raising densities in informal housing to make space for shared amenities
Hikma Community Complex
Providing a community space for religion and education to co-exist

Bole Ayat Green Village
Greening open spaces and providing shared amenities to build community

Menged Le Sew car-free days
Opening streets as public spaces on a regular basis

Sadzi Hill reforestation project
Rehabilitating urban forests to prevent erosion

GDA Sidi Amor peri-urban park
Rehabilitating a degraded landscape for socio-economic and cultural development

Nyandungu Eco-Park
Rehabilitating urban wetlands to clean water and expand leisure amenities

iShack rooftop solar systems
Providing affordable renewable energy to homes in unserviced informal settlements